You may not have deep frown lines or crow's feet, but if you feel like you're ageing, chances are it's thanks to uneven skin tone. Now, we're not talking a sweet smattering of freckles, but bigger, uneven brown patches on not only the face but hands. It's these ageing dark spots of bother that is known as pigmentation, caused by sun exposure and specifically the UVA rays which penetrate deep into your skin and cause ageing.
Melanin, the pigment in skin, is produced by cells called “melanocytes” in the deep layers of the skin. These cells are stimulated not only by sun, which causes tanning, but also by heat, inflammation, injury, and even hormones. They may produce all-over color, or blotches or spots.
Pigment has a purpose, which is to shield skin from harmful rays of the sun. That’s why people whose ancestors lived in sunny climates near the equator in Asia or Africa tend to have more pigmentation. If you were born with darker skin, it will be a continual process to keep skin light; it is not a one-time fix. Anyone who wishes to keep a lighter tone will also need to wear sun protection to keep from stimulating the melanocytes in their skin, and to protect skin from damage by the sun.
Melanin is protective. It is very good at absorbing UV-radiation from the sun and turning it into harmless heat. That helps reduce the possible harm that UV can do to skin. When you deliberately lighten your skin, you MUST protect it with sunscreen.
Please know that there is no such thing as a sun “block”. If you are in the sun, even with a sunscreen that has a high Sun Protection Factor (SPF) you are getting some sun. You can’t expect a thin film of chemicals to completely hold back the powerful rays of the sun! When treating your skin with lightening products, be extra careful about sun protection, both to keep the results you want and to keep your skin safe and healthy.
Sun Spots on skin are due to sun exposure. They are flat brown spots that show up on the parts of your skin that have been exposed to the sun. Once you start getting sun spots on your skin, expect them to darken and increase in number with every UV ray that hits your skin.
Sun spots on skin are a focal increase of skin pigment called melanin; because of UV exposure, the pigment-making cells, called melanocytes, produced excess pigment in just one spot instead of uniformly across your skin surface. There is no increase in the number of the melanocyte cells, just in the pigment that they produced.
Almost everyone will eventually get sun spots on their skin from sun exposure. Some people start getting them earlier in life. These are usually people with really fair skin. If your skin is prone to developing sun spots they can start showing up as early as your 20’s, though most people start really noticing them in their 30’s and 40’s.
Freckles appear on the skin as small tan or light brown spots. While they usually appear on the face, they can also be found on any skin exposed to the sun, such as the neck and shoulders.
Freckles are just skin cells that contain a pigment (color) called ." Melanin" is a chemical made by skin cells called "melanocytes." Melanin helps to protect the skin from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays by reflecting or absorbing them.
Freckles are triggered by expoure to sunlight. The Sun's ultraviolet radiation causes melanocytes to make more melanin, which can cause freckles to appear or become darker.
The more melanin you have in your skin, the easier it is to get a tan. People with fair complexions have less melanin in their skin to start with. When sunlight causes their melanocytes to make more melanin, they often develop freckles instead of getting an even suntan like people with darker complexions.
Solar lentigo is caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This type is common in people over age 40, but younger people can get it, too. It happens when UV radiation causes pigmented cells called melanocytes in the skin to multiply
老年斑即老年斑,全称为“老年性色素斑”。具体是指在老年人皮肤上出现的一种脂褐质色素斑块,多见于高龄老人,人们又称其为“寿斑”。 一般多出现在面部、额头、背部、颈部、胸前等,有时候也可能出现在上肢等部位。大部分是在50岁以后开始长
Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural color. There is an increase in number of the actual melanocyte cells. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun. Moles are usually brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups. Most moles appear in early childhood and during the first 25 years of a person's life. It is normal to have between 10-40 moles by adulthood.
Hyperpigmentation can be caused by sun damage, inflammation, or other skin injuries, including those related to acne vulgaris. People with darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation, especially with excess sun exposure. Many forms of hyperpigmentation are caused by an excess production of melanin.
黑色痘印是起于痘痘发炎后的色素沉淀,使长过红痘痘的地方留下黑黑脏脏的颜色,使皮肤看似暗沉,这些痘印其实会随着时间皮肤代谢而慢慢自行消失。 另外还有采取医学美容的方法,优先选择的是美白镭射。
Melasma is a stubborn condition in which large patches of skin become darker, often over the forehead cheeks, chin and upper lip. Although it is sometimes clearly related to hormones (as in pregnancy) the cause is not always known. Women are far more likely than men to get melasma. It is so common during pregnancy that melasma is sometimes called "the mask of pregnancy." Hormones seem to trigger melasma. Melasma is harder to treat than sun damage, and may require both a rigorous home skincare regimen and professional treatments.
Hori’s naevus presents as benign (harmless) blue-grey to gray-brown patchy and spotty pigmentation on the prominence of the cheeks.The condition usually appears in adulthood. It is most common in middle-aged Asian women.
It is often misdiagnosed as it may resemble or coexist with melasma. Genetics and hormones play a role in the development of Hori’s naevus. In normal skin, melanin-producing pigment cells (melanocytes) are present only in the upper layer of skin (the epidermis) and hair follicles. However, when these cells are present in the underlying area of skin (the dermis) it causes a condition known as dermal melanocytosis. Dermal melanocytosis is a spectrum of conditions and includes Mongolian spots, nevus of ota, Hori’s nevus and nevus of Ito. When melanin is present more deeply in the skin, it results in the perceived colour changes from black-brown to blue-grey.
Nevus of Ota is caused by the entrapment of melanocytes in the upper third of the dermis. It is found only on the face, most commonly unilaterally, rarely bilaterally. A circumscribed and stable malformation of a component of the skin. Nevus are often present at birth.
太田痣又称上腭部褐青色痣、眼皮肤黑素细胞增生病,是太田于1938年首次描述的一种波及巩膜及同侧面部沿三叉神经眼支、上颌支走行部位的灰蓝色斑片损害,好发于有色人种,如东方人及黑人。女性多见。发病年龄在婴儿期及青春期有两个峰段,其中1岁以内发病占61.35%。 与遗传有关,属常染色体显性遗传,在胚胎发育期间,黑素细胞由神经嵴向表皮移行时,由于某种原因未能通过表皮、真皮交界,停留在真皮内而形成的病变。而有的研究认为可能不是黑素细胞的残留,而是一种与蓝痣类似的错构瘤或痣样损害
The name cafe-au-lait is French for "coffee with milk" and refers to their light-brown color. These spots are typically permanent, and may grow or increase in number over time. Café au lait spots are often harmless.
The macules may be observed in infancy, although they are typically very light in infants and can be difficult to appreciate. The skin lesions develop in early infancy, and they may enlarge in size and become obvious after age 2 years.
咖啡牛奶斑,指的是其淡褐色的外观,有时也被称为“长颈鹿斑” 。 是出生时即可发现的淡棕色的斑块,色泽自淡棕至深棕色不等,但每一片的颜色相同且十分均匀,深浅不受日晒的影响,大小自数毫米至数十厘米不等,边界清晰,表面皮肤质地完全正常。
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